Noun classes are very frustrating when you begin learning Swahili, partly because the whole concept is so different from anything we have ...
the most awesome game reserves in Africa
1. Sabi Sand This game reserve probably offers the best leopard viewing in the world. In addition, it offers a huge variety of wildlife ...
know the African countries
Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Rep., Chad, ...
Mama Maria says ‘dream come true’ on Nyerere Bridge tour
Mama Maria, widow to the founding father of Tanzania, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, was accompanied by one of her children, Mr Makongoro Nyerere...
THE Top 10 Countries With The Strongest Army In Africa!!
Here is some valid information due to recent estimations and studies. 1. South Africa: South Africa (South Africa has the most powerful...
Julius Kambarage Nyerere was born on April 13, 1922 in Butiama, on the eastern shore of lake Victoria in north west Tanganyika. His fat...
Robert Mugabe BIOGRAPHY
Robert Mugabe was born on February 21, 1924, in Kutama, Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). In 1963, he founded ZANU, a resistance move...